Science Café on the Coast Opens Spring Series with presentation on Hurricane Hunters
News item published on: 2019-01-08 09:06:00Science Café on the Coast flies into its spring series with “Hurricane Hunters” on Monday, January 28 at 6 p.m. at Margaret S. Sherry Memorial Library in Biloxi.
Major Jonathon W. Brady, aerial reconnaissance weather officer with the United States Air Force’s 403rd wing of the Hurricane Hunters, will discuss details of being a hurricane hunter, including information about the aircraft, its weather monitoring equipment, and the role of hurricane hunters as they fly into storms.
Brady is an airborne meteorologist with more than 1475 flight hours. He has logged 44 hurricane penetrations and 284 flying sorties, to include flying through hurricanes Irene, Nate, Carlotta, Rafael, Sandy, Ingrid, Gonzalo, Danny, Madeline, and Lester.
The U.S. Air Force Hurricane Hunters are based in Biloxi at Keesler Air Force Base, and is the only unit in the world flying weather reconnaissance on a routine basis.
Science Café offers those with minimal background in science the chance to meet and discuss issues in a relaxed social setting, and is a collaboration between The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Libraries, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, Harrison County Library System, Long Beach Public Library, and Hancock County Library System.
For more information, contact t.morgan@harrison.lib.ms.us or 228.388.1633. Follow Science Café on the Coast on Facebook for upcoming events and live streaming by visiting https://www.facebook.com/sciencecafeonthecoast.