USM Tutorial: Scholarly

Is it Scholarly?

Quiz #3
The record below indicates that this article is scholarly but not "empirical research." Which elements of the citation are the most accurate clues that indicate that the article is scholarly yet not empirical research?
  • Cited References (116)

Title: Cardiovascular and pulmonary considerations of the obese patient for the rehabilitation clinician.

Author(s): Harrington JM; Wells CL

Affiliation: Post Acute and Ambulatory Rehabilitation Services, University of Maryland Medical Center, Room S4A08 22 South Greene St., Baltimore, MD 21201,

Source: Bariatric Nursing & Surgical Patient Care (BARIATRIC NURS SURG PATIENT CARE), 2007 Winter; 2(4): 267-80 (127 ref)

Publication Type: journal article - review, tables/charts, tracings

Abstract: The prevalence of obesity continues to rise worldwide and presents a challenge to all health-care providers. Obesity has pathophysiological effects upon all major systems of the body. Obesity has been linked to an increased risk for many health disorders, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and certain cancers. There are changes with basic lung volumes and an increase in incidence of asthma and obstructive sleep apnea for individuals with high body mass index. This article is a review of the cardiovascular and pulmonary physiologic effects of obesity and discusses key components of the evaluation and treatment options that the rehabilitation clinician should consider when delivering care to this patient population.

Journal Subset: Editorial Board Reviewed; Expert Peer Reviewed; Nursing; Online/Print; Peer Reviewed

Choose one. The citation above cites an article that is scholarly but not empirical research because:
  • There are cited references
  • Authors are affiliated professionals in the field
  • Journal is peer reviewed
  • Publication Type indicates that it is simply a review
  • Title of the article is scholarly
  • Publication Type indicates "journal article"
  • Publication Type indicates it has tables and charts
  • Abstract indicates that the article is authoritative

Is it Trade?

Quiz #4
The citation below is from a professional trade publication. Which of the elements are the most accurate clues that indicate that the article is from a trade publication and not a scholarly journal?

Title: Study Estimates 15,000 Children and Adolescents Diagnosed With Type 1 Diabetes Annually; Among Youth in U.S., Whites Have Highest Incidence of Diabetes.

Source: Ascribe Newswire: Health; 6/26/2007, p1-1, 1p

Document Type: Article

Abstract: The article presents a study called "SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth," in the United States which covers 10 locations across the country where about 5.5 million children live. Statistics related to the study show type one diabetes is more prevalent among children and adolescents than type two diabetes, with approximately 15,000 and 3,700 infected individuals respectively. Details related to the information on the rates of diabetes among different nationalities are presented.

Full-text: Approximately 15,000 children and adolescents in the United States are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and about 3,700 youth are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes annually, according to estimates from a major national study called SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth...

CONTACT: Caitlin Jenney, UCDHSC Media Relations, 303-724-1520,

Choose one. This is an article from a trade publication and not a scholarly publication because:
  • The title indicates it is a study
  • The Document Type indicates it is an article
  • The abstract talks about the study

  • There are no cited references
  • No author is listed
  • Instead of an author, contact is given as "Media Relations"